Pictured here, on the far right, FORECON’s Director of Corporate Strategy, Thad Taylor took the opportunity to gain valuable insights and learn from the other 74 operations foresters, biometricians, and forestry researchers who attended the recent 2024 Joint Conference of Northeastern (NEMO) and Southern Mensurationists (SOMENS) in Stowe, Vermont. Attendees from across the U.S., Canada, and abroad gathered at the historic Von Trappe Lodge, to hear cutting-edge research presentations, build relationships, and add to their forestry toolbox to better serve their stakeholders back home. For FORECON, this was a terrific chance to interact with the brightest minds in forestry growth & yield modeling, mensuration research, and look for ways to continuously improve our ForestSIM™, TIGER, and other proprietary technology platforms to deliver superior service for our growing portfolio of forestry and conservation clients. For the latest northeastern U.S. timber market news, forestry insights, highlights, and ways FORECON’s seasoned staff of forestry consultants and appraisers can add value for you and your team, make sure to sign up for our free Woodland News (here), and check us out at www.foreconinc.com.