FORECON provides long-term land management services to a number of clients who adhere to certain third-party verified forest certification standards, including those of the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC), the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI), and the American Tree Farm System® (ATF). We directly participate in the design and implementation of Forest Management Sytems (FMSs) and management activities subject to these standards. We also plan and participate in “mock-audits” to assure adherence to the standards. FORECON managers also accompany our clients and program auditors on actual third-party audits, reviewing both field and office procedures associated with the specific certification. We also routinely meet or exceed best management practices promulgated by the states within our operating region.
Specific FORECON employees also maintain a variety of certifications and licenses required by state and federal agencies who specifically concentrate on the assessment, monitoring and control of native and non-native vegetation interfering with desired forest regeneration results. We also provide insect and pathogen control services to mitigate damage by a variety of forest pests, including emerald ash borer, Asian long horned beetle, hemlock woolly adelgid, pine bark beetle, tent caterpillar, gypsy moth caterpillar, oak wilt and other conditions. Licensed applicators are required to obtain their mandatory continuing education credits on a consistent basis to keep their licenses current.